I think I am finally coming out of my latest bi-monthly burn out session. Lately, I've tended to enter these periods of apathy about every other month or so in which I have to force myself more than normal to concentrate on things I should be doing. It's really not a matter of a lack of productivity though, rather it's just my mood during that time. Lately, I've been loathe to get myself out of bed in the morning, but finally I'm getting to the phase where I enjoy doing what I do again. :) Maybe it's just because of the onset of spring, perhaps it's because I've gotten a hold of several new songs that I'm rocking to, or maybe it's just because I've finally found a source to feed my Bawls addiction. Who knows; I just hope it sticks around a little longer this time...:)
[Listening to: Where Do We Go From Here? - Jamiroquai - Synkronized (5:13)]