Wednesday, March 23, 2005


It's been a long time since I've blogged, I know. Things have been rather hectic after our son was born on the 24th of February. The first week or two, both my wife and I were zombies, as expected. But now that things are starting to fall into some semblance of a routine, the sleep deprivation isn't quite as bad as it was.

There are no words to describe what finally having him here with us is like. It really is just as they say; the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew that I'd do anything for him. He'll be a month old on Thursday, and it's hard to fathom where the time went. He's starting to become a bit more emotive. Every now and then, you can pick out the hint of a smile. And he's certainly good at expressing when he doesn't like something. Mostly, he's content to just lay there and watch us for long periods of time, cooing and sighing, which are very much the most adorable sounds I've ever heard.