Wednesday, May 12, 2004

nap time

I have been fighting the urge to fall asleep all day today it seems. I suppose that listening to this excellent kyotaku (Japanese zen-flute) music isn't helping me stay awake much either. Nor is the fact that I've worked two 13.5 hour days in a row and am prepping for another long one today. It's only nine more days until I leave for my long overdue vacation, though. I'm ready for a week of doing little-to-nothing! The sad fact is though, that if my wife would let me, I'd probably be content to bring a computer along and code all week just the same.

I've been studying up on some Japanese. One of these days, I'm going to get to the competency level that I need to be able to watch anime without the need for translation and play Japanese-native video games. But I fear that time may be a long time from now. I just don't have as much time to study as I would like. Not to mention the fact that I'm quite the cheapskate when it comes to purchasing the study materials I'd probably need anyway. I did pick up a book to assist me in my studies; now if I could just find the 45 minutes a day that it says I need to learn the material in 6 weeks, I'd be set. :)

[Listening to: Chinese Princess-Tilopa.mp3 - 02 - (5:41)]

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