Tuesday, February 01, 2005

a friend takes his leave

My colleague and friend had his last day with the company yesterday; moving on to bigger and better things. We've been working pretty closely together for a little over a year on our current project, so it's sad to see him go. We've had both successes and failures, all the while helping to refine and better the other in our craft. I've learned a lot from him over the last year or so, and can only hope that I've been as influential to him as he has been to me. It will be different here without him around, but at least he hasn't gone too far, so it's a good bet that we'll still see him around from time to time.

Thanks, Jay, for all that you've done. For helping me to become a better coder, for pushing me when I needed it, for all the support you've given, for putting up with all my "what if?"s throughout the months, and for being more than just a co-worker. It's been a wild year, but a great one. I wish you all the best in your new position!

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