Wednesday, August 24, 2005

i <3 google

Two new things from Google have garnered my attention today. The first is a second beta to their desktop search tool. This one’s got a cool sidebar that is capable of showing virtually any kind of widget you’d want to come up with for it. This is probably in order to directly compete with Microsoft, who has announced similar functionality for future versions of Windows. It could also be seen as competition for the excellent Konfabulator, which was recently acquired by Yahoo.

Next, is Google Talk, the new instant messaging client that just entered beta. We played with it here at the office for a bit and I think it’s already replaced other forms of IM for us. We’ll see how it fares after the luster of newness wears off in a few days though. We’re all giddy about the voice chat though. It just works, which is more than I can say for just about any other voice chat software I’ve ever used. Plus, everything’s based off of Jabber, so even if I do stop using the Google-branded client later on, I’ve still got a spiffy new Jabber messaging address. That’s a good thing too, because I never seem to remember my old one without looking it up.

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