Friday, August 13, 2004

sick days

Ugh, what a week. I came down with a cold on Monday and it completely knocked me out of commission for three days. Nevermind the fact that I have no clue how I got a cold in the middle of August. I'm finally recovering a little though, so I've been back at work since yesterday. I did get to play plenty of DragonBall Z Budokai 2, which I picked up in Nashville last weekend for just twenty bucks. That game's a blast, but they did butcher the story quite heavily, but I suppose it was neccessary to sacrifice story for gameplay in this particular game genre.

In other news, I found out yesterday that I've been chosen for jury duty starting at the end of this month. Not that I mind actually participating as a juror, but it just seems like a huge inconvenience. Supposedly, I won't know until 7pm or so the day before whether I'm supposed to report to the court or not, which makes it completely impossible to plan anything with certainty. This in itself would not be bad if it weren't for the fact that the summons states that I'd be on call for four months. That just seems an inordinate amount of time to have to put your life on hold, regardless of whether I am ever actually even selected to be on a jury. Nevertheless, I'll bite the bullet and endure it; it is after all, my civic duty, is it not? And who knows, maybe I'll find out later on that it's actually not quite as bad as the stories that typically surround it.

[Listening to: Love at First Sight - Kylie Minogue - Fever]

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