Monday, June 14, 2004

the cult of the low carb

Alright already! Enough of this Atkins craze! You know, it's fine and good that America in general is trying to lose weight, but now I can't even go into a restaurant without having to be inundated with the plethora of new low-carb items (which are all items that were previously offered anyway with shiny new marketing strategies behind them). Look, you're on this diet, shouldn't you know what you can eat and what you can't? Is it really so hard to decide that the fried chicken with a buttermilk biscuit on the side is probably not on your diet? I mean, come on, fast food restaurants have low carb menus now. They never seemed to care before; why now?

Not to mention the fact that so many people are putting themselves on this diet like it was sent from heaven. Sure, it may help you lose weight fast, but do people ever consider that the diet might actually be bad for them? Now don't worry, I'm not going to open that can of worms too far, because there's enough fodder on both sides to start a war. But seriously, there is still an ongoing debate on whether there are serious health risks or not. It seems to me that it would be prudent to wait until conclusive studies can be done to decide on whether the diet is a good idea or not. But most Americans, anxious for that "quick fix", have jumped head first into these low-carb diets without any more than a marketing scheme to tell them that they're doing a good thing.

Look, you want to lose weight? How about trying the tried-and-true method? Stop eating so much and get out there and excercise!

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