Tuesday, August 24, 2004

first day of class

Today was the first day of the college Tae Kwon Do class that I assist with. I always enjoy the first day of class because it gives us the opportunity to get to know a new set of students. I've been assisting with this class for at least three years now and I never get tired of it. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to be able to teach someone else a new skill. It's also interesting to see the different dynamics that are present with each new group of students. Each group we work with has a different "personality".

This will be one of the smaller classes that I've assisted with, and I have the feeling that this fact alone will lead to a very distinct group attitude. Hopefully, it will also allow us to become a little more personal with our students. With large groups, it is sometimes easy to remain detached and not get to know the students personally. With small groups, it's usually much easier to attain that familial repore with everyone.

Anyway, here's to a great new semester of class!

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