Wednesday, August 18, 2004

like a christmas tree

I've been working lately on a unit conversion library with several tricky little calculations scattered about it. I just have to say something about the tool that's allowed me to keep my relative sanity. NUnit has saved me by catching at least five bugs that would've taken me hours later on to track down. TestRunner has also saved me some time by allowing me to run my unit tests from within the IDE, and jump straight to any lines that cause the tests to fail. Not to mention the fact that I can debug my unit tests as well using it. I'd used TestRunner before, but it sucked back then. Fear not, though; it is much improved since then and the only problems I have with it now are when I'm debugging every now and again.

There's just something satisfying in watching those little icons for each test light up like a Christmas tree. Green, green, green, green, RED! Oops! More work to do!

[Listening to: PlayStation - Ending Theme (Gaming FM - Modern Console) - Final Fantasy VIII - ]

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