Monday, August 02, 2004

what's in a name

We sat down for quite some time last night browsing through trying to think up some good baby names. I've always liked Lana myself, but my wife doesn't care for it, preferring instead to tack an "A" onto the front of it making it Alana. Two names that stood high on our list (or at least mine) were Ethan Riley Sharp for a boy, and Alana Hope Sharp for a girl. We've still got plenty of time to decide on a name, of course, but it was nice to start planning for that aspect of the coming baby, at least.

1 comment:

Crescendo said...

I have to agree w/ your wife, Alana sounds better. But agree to it, and you could nickname her Lana and then she could grow up being called that. ;) There's a loophole for everything.